232 - Tragedy of the Commons
The internet has its own “Tragedy of the commons”.
There has been a lot of published material lately on the vast and rapidly growing piles of digital garbage data, and how AI systems like LLMs will reach model collapse at proportionately faster rates even as they themselves push out more of the same to make it worse for others. Every company grabbing for everything they can and paying no heed to long-term or out-of-scope damages compounds the problems for everyone else.
Companies like Anthropic and OpenAI, the two most obvious frauds in the tech industry, have been scraping material at such volumes and speeds that some websites have struggled with the surge in traffic. The chances of that data ever being cleaned are virtually zero, particularly since no reliable way of detecting AI-generated content exists.
On top of this, every “aspiring influencer” who has an LLM “agent” (trashbot) running for them on various social media platforms is quietly compounding the problem. Search engines are now dead thanks largely to “SEO”, and “AI-assisted search engines” are even worse. Newsfeeds are now just as dead, if not more so, as they never had the benefit of the entire internet’s bulk to resist such adversarial attacks.
So, in our modern digital “Commons”, the internet, we have an exponential increase in trash, no way to clean it, and the bad actors responsible for it, both companies and individuals, are being left entirely unchecked. No one is being held accountable for their actions, let alone the consequences of those actions, and because of that there isn’t so much as a speed bump on the road to maximum and maximally incompetent exploitation and contamination of shared resources.
To put this another way, these companies and individuals are competing on who can pour the most poison into the well the fastest. They’re actually counting on other parties not having the means to filter out that poison, increasing the value of their pre-poisoning proprietary data.
No, poison won’t increase your productivity, though like alcohol it might warp your perception of it. As the recent study illustrated, it increased the workload for 77% of employees.
No, regulation driven by the same people who are poisoning you won’t end well either, as we’ve already established that they don’t have your best interests at heart.
No, mixing more ingredients into the poison (RAG, MoE, CoT) probably won’t increase your productivity either. GIGO (Garbage in, garbage out) remains GIGO at any speed or scale.
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