012 - Medical Knowledge
One use case for the world's most advanced AI I've had in mind for some years now is taking in the sum of humanity's medical knowledge, millions of peer-reviewed papers, and creating the deepest, broadest, and most integrated and accessible sum of medical knowledge on the planet. This is already possible with technology today, most people in AI just aren't familiar with it yet.
The technology stack that makes this possible is built on the first working cognitive architecture, with a graph database memory, and every surface in that graph containing human-like motivational data (based on Antonio Damasio's research). This combination was demonstrated to produce human-like concept learning, ethics, and generalization.
Since these human-like capacities were architected into software, the previous research system also dynamically grew in its sum of knowledge by more than 1,000x between coming online and the final milestone. This was accomplished on a budget of less than $200 of cloud resources per month, with the system's active memory intentionally capped at 64 gigabytes for research purposes.
The system demonstrated more than a dozen capacities no other system has before or since, including alignment, with thousands of times the resource efficiency of those that failed.
If any #VC, #investor, #government, #corporation, or other party on the face of the planet capable of funding in the 50-500 million USD range is genuinely interested in developing the deepest, broadest, and most intelligently integrated wealth of medical knowledge on the face of the planet (or any other knowledge domain for that matter), this use case could be accomplished within the next 1 to 2 years. Full-time engineering hours are required to complete the work, but only the engineering remains.
Considering the annual spending and waste in the medical field, as well as many similar fields, the choice is obvious. Who will walk the talk?